Discussion: Ducati et Puma
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Ducati et Puma
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Date d'inscription: January 2005
Par défaut Ducati et Puma - 09/11/2006, 12h51

Nov 07, 2006

From a press release issued by Ducati Corse:

Herzogenaurach, Germany – PUMA and Ducati today announce a new cooperation: in search of a suitable partner to further develop “PUMA Moto”, launched in spring 2006, PUMA has teamed up with Ducati, the world’s premier motorcycle manufacturer and one of the top Moto GP teams, to raise sustainable equity and credibility in the greater motorsport market. The new cooperation, initially lasting for three years, contains two separate agreements: first, PUMA will be the footwear official supplier of the Ducati Corse racing teams as of 2007. Second, in a licensing agreement with Ducati Motor Holding, the two companies will create and market co-branded products starting in 2007.

“We aimed at teaming up with a brand that is deeply rooted in the core business of motorsport without neglecting the sportlifestyle component. Like PUMA, Ducati is known throughout the world for pushing the boundaries of both performance and style, and we believe that this partnership is a perfect way to bring innovative Moto products to our consumers”, says Jochen Zeitz, CEO of PUMA AG.

With a total of 12 Riders’ and 14 Manufacturers’ World Championship titles, Ducati Corse represents an unparalleled racing team. With iconic motorcycles such as the Monster, Ducati Motor Holding is a premier, design-led brand that focuses – like PUMA – on the desirability of its products.

Ducati Motors Holding CEO Federico Minoli: “We are extremely pleased to have PUMA as new partner and supplier. Besides the racing team, there are other parallels between PUMA and Ducati which make them an ideal team: Both brands are consumer-driven, design-led and both are thirsty for innovation and engineering newness.”

The common performance and sportlifestyle collection will be launched in spring 2007 and distributed in selected Ducati and PUMA retail stores as well as in wholesale partner stores.

en gros Puma va d'abord fournir des chaussures a ducati corse, puis il fabriquerons ensemble des chaussures Puma/ducati (contrat de 3ans pour commencer). Attendons le printemps 2007 ... chez les revendeurs Puma et les concessions Ducati !
Je trouve cela super interressant d'amener a la moto des grandes marques comme Puma. Peut etre bientot des moto sponsorisées par Adidas, Nike ... ca serait plutot super interressant.
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