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Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa
World Champion!!
Avatar de Pasky
Messages: 26 563
Date d'inscription: October 2006
Localisation: L'innégalable Auvergne
Par défaut Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa - 21/10/2006, 08h42

Envoyé par Valentino46
Moi de mauvaise foie??? non sincèrement je ne pense pas (enfin pas plus que la moyènne ) !!! j'en vois sur le fofo qui sont bien pire que moi, je reprend juste quand je pense avoir raison et si ce n'est pas le cas je m'incline
Non, non, je faisais remarqué que tu étais de bonne foie, en indicant que tu perdais des places dans le classement du championnat du mondede mauvaise foie. Actuellement on peut considérer que Puig est en tête!!
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Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa
World Champion!!
Avatar de Valentino46
Messages: 3 943
Date d'inscription: December 2005
Localisation: Bozouls (12)
Par défaut Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa - 21/10/2006, 08h45

ça c'est sur que Puig est en tête, et avec une avance gigantesque


PS:Les pneus c'est comme les string, c'est quand on voit ficelle que l'on sait que l'on va faire le trou...
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Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa
World Champion!!
Avatar de Dyst
Messages: 10 489
Date d'inscription: July 2006
Localisation: Bouches du Rhônes
Par défaut Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa - 21/10/2006, 08h53

certe mais meme une grosse avance peut fondre tres vite, alors il faut rester vigilant !

Ils ne savaient pas que c'était impossible, alors ils l'ont fait.

Houblon avant d'être doublé
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Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa
Victoires en GP
Avatar de larticho
Messages: 2 089
Date d'inscription: November 2005
Par défaut Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa - 21/10/2006, 12h33

Je viens d'apprendre la dernière de Puig, il est vrai hallucinant ce gars. Quel con !
Et encore je dis ça pour rester poli !
Et pauvre Hayden... encore deux ans à tirer...
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Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa
As du pilotage
Avatar de Thraxas
Messages: 668
Date d'inscription: January 2006
Par défaut Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa - 21/10/2006, 12h33

Envoyé par Alex 636
Après l'exemple de Rossi sur Randy est tout à fait approprié, puisqu'en regardant de plus près les images tu te rendras compte que c'est Pedrosa (déjà !!) qui coupe la trajectoire et qui oblige Rossi à relever ... ledit Rossi qui ne touche d'ailleurs même pas la Kawa ....
+1, c'est bien Perdosa qui s'ets permis de faire un exterieur interieur exterieur en plein peloton qui a obligé Rossi a écarté et Randy a du lui aussi écarté mais n'a pas été touché par Rossi!
Pedrosa a été le seul a ce moment la à prendre une telle trajectoire!
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Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa
Permis acquis
Avatar de tyouxik
Messages: 152
Date d'inscription: July 2006
Localisation: France
Par défaut Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa - 21/10/2006, 20h07

lui même a peut être été forcé a prendre cette trajectoire et là on peut dire que c'est tout le peloton qui est responsable de la chute de De Punet.
mais on en sort jamais.

La seule chose qu'on peut dire c'est que C EST LA COURSE.

Tout nouveau blog , tout nouveau design

Il n'y a jamais de fumée sans pneu....
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Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa
Premier wheeling
Avatar de aurelien2A
Messages: 332
Date d'inscription: October 2005
Localisation: Ajaccio
Par défaut Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa - 21/10/2006, 21h01

Je me demande comment Hayden a fait pour ne pas sauter à la gorge du nain!! bon et pour Puig rien à ajouter...

Forza Ducati, Pour un perpetuel orgasme desmodromique!
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Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa
Podium en GP
Avatar de theophil
Messages: 1 965
Date d'inscription: January 2005
Par défaut Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa - 23/10/2006, 13h53

interview de ¨Pedrosa :

How did you feel when you woke up on Monday morning?

Dani Pedrosa:
I thought that it had been a heavy blow, especially for my team-mate Nicky, but also for me, for Honda, for Repsol, for the mechanics and for all the fans that have been following us throughout the season. I'm very sad about what happened in Estoril. I know that there's nothing I can change now, but there are still many chances for my team-mate Nicky Hayden to become world champion. Repsol Honda is one team and we are going to show it in Valencia, as we always do. I'll do everything I can to help him. We have a big challenge ahead but we can make it.

Once he had cooled down, Nicky behaved like a real gentleman - considering that he'd lost the championship lead for the first time since round three. Have you thought about how you would have reacted if the situation was reversed?

Dani Pedrosa:
I've thought a lot about it. He didn't want to start any kind of controversy through the media and despite everything that had happened and how angry he was, he managed to calm down and behave like a great professional. Nicky has taught a lesson of professionalism behaving in an excellent way. He accepted my apologies when I went to see him in his motorhome and he didn't foster the media, nor did he want to make a big deal out of this. I know what he told the media and despite them trying to get good headlines, Nicky didn't say a single negative word about me. And to tell you the truth, I would have understood. It was his right.

Let's look at the incident itself in detail, what can you tell us about it?

Dani Pedrosa:
I made a good start; I passed Nicky and put myself behind Rossi who was pushing hard. I knew that Rossi wouldn't be able to escape and also that Edwards was there and that he would try to stop us to help Rossi. Suddenly Edwards passed me, almost taking me off my line and I had a big fright. Shortly after it happened again with Nicky, so I decided not to take part in the battle so soon and stayed fourth, waiting. There was a lot of race left and it wasn't the time to start absurd fights. Valentino was not escaping and being fourth was alright. My plan was to control Valentino and let the laps go by to attack towards the end.

So, you were only thinking about victory?

Dani Pedrosa:
Yes, that's right. Alberto [Puig] and I had talked about the different possibilities and our aim was scoring 50 points in the two remaining races. Honda had given us freedom to decide and we had mathematically chances. Nicky could fail in one of the races and the Yamaha had already shown along the season, that the engine is fragile. So our plan was to score those 50 points, considering that there were two circuits ahead in which we could be very competitive, and just watch what Rossi and my team-mate Nicky would be doing. I'm a race rider and I obviously want to win, but all those who follow me and know me, know that I have never done it by trickery. I had never knocked down anyone in the six years I've been in the world championship. Not even in my worst dreams would I have thought that something like what happened on Sunday could ever happen to me. I wanted to win, but in no way hindering my team-mate from continuing with his fight for the title. He has been working very hard this season, he has been very regular and he had big chances to win the title. I also race to win and as long as Honda wouldn't say anything different, I had to try.

From what you've said, you weren't trying to overtake Hayden at the time of the accident and were waiting for later in the race to attack...

Dani Pedrosa:
Yes, that was my plan, to control the situation, to observe and to play my cards towards the end. But suddenly, in corner six, a left-hander after the second longest straight of the circuit, I arrived too fast at the braking point and my rear tyre was up while I was operating the brakes. It was only a question of a few seconds; I noticed what was going to happen, I went through the inside looking for space enough to brake and when the front tyre lost grip I just prayed to God to be the only one to crash… It was an instant, some tenths of a second, but I remember perfectly well how my team-mate was on the asphalt and his despair.

Unsurprisingly, a lot has since been written about the incident, including speculation about what it means in terms of your character, what do you have to say?

Dani Pedrosa:
I just can say that I'm terribly sorry about what happened. Nicky didn't deserve something like this. I have already apologised to whom I had to, and I publicly commit myself to doing all I can to help my team-mate to achieve the title. I will be Nicky Hayden's best help in Valencia.

Pas de doute Rossi aura un team solidaire le we prochain !
Pour Pedrosa tjrs la meme version d'un freinage raté (et je le crois). Il s'est excusé, a fait son méa culpa, maintenant basta.
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Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa
As du pilotage
Avatar de gerald_46
Messages: 418
Date d'inscription: July 2005
Localisation: Paris
Par défaut Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa - 24/10/2006, 14h58

Envoyé par grinta
Finalement, y'a plus con que pedrosa .... Puig !
On a vu l'association des 2 !! manque plus que Zorro !!
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Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa
World Champion!!
Avatar de pechos1
Messages: 11 171
Date d'inscription: September 2006
Localisation: 69
Par défaut Re : Hayden vs Pedrosa - 05/11/2006, 18h37

Je viens de voir par curiosité la vidéo sur le site de webamanu et franchement le commantateur est extraordinaire , à y perdre la voix.

Animo Dani, Animo campeon

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